Okay, I have a few minutes before I need to get going on our trip... so I thought I'd participate in this little game. I feel like I'm in elementary school playing tag because when I read Andi's post, I was really hoping that she'd tag me:)
Five things in my freezer...
~Morningstar Farms Chick'n Patties
~Mixed Veggies
~Frozen Berries
~Whole wheat waffles
Five things in my (dining room) closet...
~My lovely red scarf
~My winter coat
Good Night Sleep Tight (Parker's book)
~A shelf that needs to be hung
~Our dreaded file of crap (stuff that we shove into a file when we don't want to look at it anymore)
Five things in my car...
~Lots of pacifiers
~Parker's cereal on the floor
~The luxury seat (Parker's carseat)
~Old receipts...bad, bad, bad
~All of our camping gear!
Five things in my purse (diaper backpack)
~Fruit cups
~Lip gloss and lots of it!
~SPF 50
I tag...
GinaAleahJenDoes anyone else want to be tagged? Now I really am back in elementary school--I don't want to tag anyone that doesn't want to be tagged. Maybe I'd make them feel peer pressure;)