We also were able to go to my cousin's wedding with my family. It was one of those times that I totally forgot (or avoided) taking pictures. Do you ever just want to enjoy an event without having to remember to take pictures? This was one of those times. I did, however, get a great picture of Audrey's baby with Parker's Hummer. I love how my little boy is so into cars and boy things and Audrey loves her baby and girly things. As the wedding was going on, Parker started to say, "mama, dada, mama, dada"--repeatedly...and Audrey was continually quacking, so Andi and Joel took the kids to a nearby field to keep the peace:) They left baby and hummer to enjoy the wedding. I thought that was very nice of them. We also were able to get a very nice family picture. Kelsey looks really, really tall! Of course, it was a very fun evening and we all enjoyed spending time with one another.
The Baby and Hummer pic is so funny and perfectly descriptive of my two grandchildren! Looks even better on the blog than on the camera. Love Mom
PS Kels looks tall not only because of heels, but because she IS tall!
Great family picture. The picture of the toys is cute
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