Me driving and a bit distracted, Parker in the back set trying on a pretend wedding ring.
P: Mom, when can I get married?
ME: Well, hmmm....when you are older and find a girl and you fall in love.
P: Well, I'm in love with you, mama. I'll marry you.
ME: I love you too, babe, but Daddy already married me and I can only be married to one person.
P: oh. {silence, thinking}
P: Mom? Is Miss Tara married? I think I'm in love with her.
*Tara is one of our best friends...and she's almost 30:) At least he has good taste!
Another converation...I was responding to emails in the office and Parker was working on some art projects. I was slightly distracted...again!
P: Mom, how can I get to heaven with God?
ME: ummmmmm.....(totally taken off guard) hmmmmm....well, someday you can pray and ask God to be your very best friend and for Jesus to come into you heart.
P: Oh.
ME: When you are ready, let me know and we can pray about that...
P: Someday?! I wanna do it now! Now, what do I say to God?
I tell him and I see him go to the corner and thanks God for his life and his house..."and please be my friend and come into my, I mean my hearts. Dear God, Thank you...aMEN!"